Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Goalball

The Goalball is a paraolimpic game. This sport is for blind people and the rules are simple. This sport are playing with a special ball, he has got a bell into her for listening the ball. In this game are playing three persons for team and there are two goals and the team must stop the ball when they listening her.
This sport in the most difficult for us but for they is less difficult then us.
I wait to like this article. Thank you for read.
See you later


  1. Hi Celia.Thank you for the comment.I like your blog and I visited you very much.
    Kisses and see you letter.

    By:Saul P.

  2. Hello, I like this blog and I like this sport, because when we practise this sport we feel the same as people with deficiency.
    BYE, kisses.
